Update 1-6
  -New Cast Display

Update 1-5
  -Added trailer option to Movies on Home
  -New Landscape view
  -Changed way TV info displayed

Update 12-16
  -Add 'Press S' dialog reachable on Setting submenu

Update 12-15
  -Finally fixed the 2 keypresses to focus lists issue, also fixs scanning new content doesnt update Home
  -Changed flags
  -Season Fanart now shows on season level
  -"Home Theatre" now works by default no setting to check, and overrides the play button is installed
  -Fixed VideoOSD backdrop too short with subtitle button enabled
  -Launcher code now updated for "Advanced Launcher"

Update 12-2
  -Fixed banner watched flags
  -Finished File Manager
  -Changed look of 'System Info'
  -Changed 'View Options' buttons

Update 11-26
  -Fixed label/logo overlap on 'now playing' queue screen
  -Fixed Music scan
  -Some more strings
  -Added logo button to info screen

Update 11-20
  -Changed pause screen added current/end time
  -Started to finish Music Info screens

Update 11-18
  Watched flag and setting corrections/completion

Update 11-15
  -Lowered Navigation sounds by 40%
  -Fixed TV show label fallback when no logo
  -Fixed track # and title in song level selection
  -Hide RSS when scan dialogs visible
  -"Grid" view available on TV level
  -Added Random Movie playlist submenu
  -Added banner.jpg support