- Minor data cleanup as Weatherzone returns crap data sometimes

- Fixes for fixes for capatilisation :)

- Fixes for capatilisation
- Fixes for parsedom 1.2 unicode behaviour

- Only import PIL if extended features are activated (means on paltforms like Crystalbuntu without PIL you can still get BOM weather data at least.
- some radars (e.g. IDR072) - were not on the ftp server, they now get pulled in by http
- backgrounds are refreshed every 24 hours to pick up any changes at the BOM

- Localized, although seems kind of pointless...getting rteady for moving to official repo maybe?

- Fixed locations bug with help from scotia, a tricky one as I couldn't raise the bug....

V 0.3.5
- New icon, little cleanup

V 0.3.4

- Fixes for ParseDom 0.9.1, and removed radar from DialogSeekBar as jmarshall confirms it won't re-read the images in the path
- so it stops working after an hour or two...

V 0.3.2

- Removed 7 day icon hack now that my patch to xbmc mainline is in beta2

V 0.3.1

- Separate getting of current and forecast data so if one part of WeatherZone is not working, the rest still does
- Added support for ABC Weather in 90 Seconds (pinched from Weather+, thanks brightstr!!)

V 0.2.7
- Don't crash if weatherzone has missing data, exit with an error to screen

V 0.2.6
- Do images before properties so updates look better visually
- Improved DialogSeekBar.xml - if you want radar/weather when live video is paused...

V 0.2.5
- Added DialogSeekBar.xml - if you want radar/weather when live video is paused...

V 0.2.4
- increased timout if weatherzone is taking a while and if they're down plugin will not crash
- added hack for the national radar IDR00004 that oddly uses a different background number

v 0.2.3
- Temp fix to try really hard on ATV2 to get at least a basic background for troyp42
- code to clear the window properties during updates so it's a bit neater

v 0.2.2
- Removed double setting

v 0.2.1
- Better logging, bug fixes, topography

- First version with new radar support & 7 day forecasts

- Fixed bugs - Windy with showers has an icon, and fire dangers is rading better.

- First version in repo

- second alpha